Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Recorder

Two kids follow a little boy, who is taking pictures of ordinary things and soon discover that there is a story behind all of them.
This film is only about 10 minutes long, but it took us about four days to shoot. Mainly because of the rainy weather during those days. However, the timing was a perfect, for that week was Thanksgiving week and the kids were off for an entire week, so they were available for filming. We went to three different locations in Chico California to film the movie and luckily we did not have to travel far. First location was at Horseshoe Lake, second was Rosedale Elementary, and third was at the Chico Cemetery. 
The challenge was working with the kids. Especially when they are always in the mood to play. The lake and the school were the hardest place to keep them in line when the place is literally a playground. Not just that, but making sure they don't look at the camera and laugh in the middle of their dialogues. That of course proved to be a difficult task. After hours of laughter we were able to get the final shots and takes to move on to the next task.
Editing took a day and a half to finish, and just in time for submitting the film to the San Francisco International Film Festival. Wish us luck.

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